Education in Motion

スタンディング: メモリーシーティングにおける軌跡の役割を知る

スタンディング: メモリーシーティングにおける軌跡の役割を知る



車いす利用者が立つことによる利点は、数多くの研究で実証されています。解剖学的、生理学的、社会的な利点があり、これらすべてが日常生活活動への参加を向上させます。1 しかしながら、車いすの(座位状態から)スタンディングするシステムのタイプにはさまざまな種類があります。

When Is the Right Time to Prescribe a Walking Frame?

When Is the Right Time to Prescribe a Walking Frame?



As a pediatric physiotherapist, one of the most frequent questions parents ask me is, "Is my child going to walk?" Naturally, it's up there as one of the most emotive topics. The dream of seeing their child take their first steps is something that all parents hope to witness. It's a highly emotive topic for us physiotherapists, too.

Who Needs Anterior Head Supports?

Who Needs Anterior Head Supports?



Head supports come in a range of shapes, sizes, and configurations. A well-designed head support provides comfort, stability, and alignment of the head and neck, enabling socialization and communication whilst keeping the airway safe for breathing and swallowing.We are often asked by parents, therapists, teachers, and carers what supports can be used to position the head upright. Anterior head supports may seem like they could work, but I usually try to start with other options to correct posture before considering an anterior head support.

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