Education in Motion

Rigid Frame Wheelchairs: Turning Energy into Motion

Rigid Frame Wheelchairs: Turning Energy into Motion



Rigid frame wheelchairs are ideal for transferring energy into motion. When prescribed appropriately, a rigid frame wheelchair helps to provide a more efficient mobility solution. This blog will review the definition of a rigid frame and discuss the factors in a rigid wheelchair that contribute to optimizing movement and performance for an end-user.

Standing Powered Wheelchair Evaluation: Considering All of the Client's Goals

Standing Powered Wheelchair Evaluation: Considering All of the Client's Goals



It's easy to look at power wheelchairs with a standing function and be amazed by the technology. After all, the opportunities an independent, mobile standing position can offer a client, from functional, clinical, and social emotional standpoints, can be life-changing. But we must also consider what our clients need the PWC to do when it isn't standing, and how postural needs change between standing and sitting. 

The Importance of Power Wheelchair Base Dimensions and Turning Radius

The Importance of Power Wheelchair Base Dimensions and Turning Radius



When the first mid wheel drive (MWD) power wheelchair was made available to wheelchair users, it revolutionized the world of power mobility. I can still recall the first in-service I attended on a MWD powerchair back in 2001 while working with pediatric clients in Washington, D.C. At that time, the MWD technology was still relatively new. My clients typically lived in small row homes or apartment buildings with tiny elevators where turning radius and maneuverability were essential. Providing a powerchair option with a small turning radius and more intuitive drive allowed for more individuals to seriously consider power mobility as an option for independent mobility.

Visualizing the Ideal Wheelchair

Visualizing the Ideal Wheelchair



With the launch of the QUICKIE Nitrum ultra lightweight wheelchair in 2020, Sunrise Medical also launched two new digital tools to help overcome the visualization obstacle. The online 3D visualizer allows anyone to configure a Nitrum with the numerous options available. The 3D visualizer provides a "hands-on" approach to truly understanding the options a client needs and desires.

Weighing the Options of Transporting a Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

Weighing the Options of Transporting a Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair



When it comes to the benefits of ultra lightweight wheelchair designs and configurations for active manual wheelchair users, the clinical evidence is strong. An individually designed ultra lightweight wheelchair is intended to serve as an extension of the individual user, so that he/she can independently participate in not only the basic activities of daily living, but also activities of choice. The ability to get out into the community via a personal vehicle or public transportation with their wheelchair is often a must-have when a client creates a list of what is important to take into consideration when getting a new wheelchair. In this blog, we will take a closer look at a couple of elements to consider related to transporting a rigid ultra lightweight wheelchair.

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