Education in Motion / Resources / January 2023 / The Six F-Words for Child Development

The Six F-Words for Child Development


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​Resource Highlights

  • This family-friendly infographic presents the “F-Words” framework, a research-based approach for clinicians who support the health and development of children with disabilities.
  • Getting the right wheelchair, seating and mobility support for children involves the whole family, and a team of professionals.  This colourful, downloadable PDF is to be easy to share.
  • Dr. Rosenbaum and Dr. Gorter developed the “F-Words” based on the World Health Organizations (WHO's) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework. 1
  • Nearly 2 decades of research as part of the CanChild organisation underpins their work. 2
  • Tailored planning and intervention are at the heart of the “F-Words”.   You can find out more about Sunrise Medical’s range of Zippie wheelchairs, designed just for growing kids on the go, via dedicated pages including power, manual, tilt-in-space and buggies.

Clinical Support Information Citations

1. Rosenbaum P, Gorter JW. The ‘F‐words’ in childhood disability: I swear this is how we should think!. Child: care, health and development. 2012 Jul;38(4):457-63.  [Cited 04 Nov 2022].  Available from:

2. CanChild. Welcome to the F-Words knowledge hub [Internet]. Hamilton, Canada: McMaster University; 2022 [Cited 04 Nov 2022]. Available from:

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