The Dual Pro by Switch-It is a truly proportional head array with fine-tuned adjustments and configurability to provide the user an easy-to-learn, precise, and intuitive driving experience. The ideal solution for wheelchair users who have varying levels of head control on their left and right sides.
The Dual Pro can be programmed conveniently from the back pad of the head array. This allows dealers and clinicians convenient access to programming functions during setup and while making in-field adjustments, with the user in the wheelchair.
The Dual Pro's sensitivity and the force required to activate the head array can be adapted and adjusted to each end user's strengths and capabilities. The left and right pad can be individually adjusted, allowing for smooth driving for users who have varying levels of head control on their left and right sides. Fine-tuned, personalized adjustments enable users to quickly and easily adapt to driving with a head array.
The Dual Pro is a truly proportional drive control. This means that, like a gas pedal and steering wheel, the Dual Pro offers a full range of acceleration and deceleration, 360° turning range, and veering control for superior drivability.
The Dual Pro can be programmed to behave as a switched control, which operates based on the distance of the head from the sensor, or as a proportional control, which operates based on the force or pressure applied to the sensor.
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