Education in Motion / Resources / April 2021 / Paediatric Standers: At-Home Activities

Paediatric Standers: At-Home Activities


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Standing is hugely beneficial for the body: from increasing bone mineral density to improving breathing and digestion. From offering pressure relief to providing a change of position or a stretch, there are numerous reasons to stand. While we know the many benefits related to children consistently utilizing a standing frame as part of their daily routines, it's likely children simply do not know or care about these benefits, however important they may be!

This resource aims to give some hints and tips on making standing time active and fun.

Active vs. Passive Standing

Passive standing simply refers to using a standing frame to be upright for gains to body structure like hip joint development. This can make standing time difficult to tolerate, restrictive, and simply quite boring. Active standing encourages a child-centric approach to standing time by making it meaningful and enjoyable, which can aid many areas of development. Simply put, fun standing = improved outcomes.

Stander Setup

Learning to be upright can be tough. Gravity works against the head and trunk, making it difficult to maintain an upright position, particularly for those with reduced strength or muscle control. Some standing frames can tilt backwards (supine) or forwards (prone) and can be easily adjusted depending on the needs of the child. Generally speaking, supine transfers are easier for lifting and suit more involved needs, while prone standers suit standing transfers and facilitate more active head and trunk control.




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