How high can I go?

How high can I go?



Since visiting many services around the UK revealing the new QUICKIE Q100 R, I frequently get asked how high can it kerb climb and how can I kerb climb consistently? As manufacturers, we always state in our owner’s manuals, brochures and website the maximum a chair can climb a kerb. However the challenge for our customers is that this is conducted in a controlled environment - dry floor, indoors and a clean obstacle. For clients however, there are many variables which affect them when using a powerchair and these variables inevitably can affect the success of climbing a kerb regardless of the powerchair they’re using.

Tilt in Space wheelchairs

Tilt in Space wheelchairs



Today I will focus on the subject of tilt in space. I was recently asked what is the recommended degree of tilt for an individual for maximal pressure relief? To answer this we must first ask a few questions.


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